Outline Essay
I. Introductory Paragraph : 
             Weekend is spare time to do some favorite activities such self development, going vacation and do relaxation. Most of them spend to go vacation, they go to the beach, mountain, and other interesting places because they want to refresh their mind and try to recovering my feeling. Some of them just do their favorite activities to get rid of boredom.

 Thesis Statement : I have some favorite activites on weekend such singing, reading books, and playing online games to improve my skills, recovering my bad feelings and how long my memory that i have.

II. Body
       A. Paragraph 1 : Singing 
       - Topic Sentence   :  In my life, I have many favorite activities on the weekend.
        Major Support 1
          - First, my favorite activities are singing
            Minor Support 1
             - I love singing to get rid of boredom.  
             - Singing can make me become relax, enjoy and improve my spirit to live  
             - Singing can touch my feelings and my soul
        Major Support 2 
         My genre of music based on my current feelings
           Minor Support 2 
             - When i feel sad, i will sing with RnB music
             - If I feel happy, i will sing with pop and jazz music
Concluding sentence : In short, singing can make me become happy and improve my spirit and can recover my feelings.

B. Paragraph 2 : Read Many Books
Topic Sentence   :  Many people including me use weekend time with reading many books
       Major Support  1 
        -  Read many books is my second favorite activity to spend on the weekend 
          Minor Support 1 
           - It was fun to read all these books because i got many bits of knowledge after i read the books 
           - The book is insight heaven 
           - Read many books can open my mind, improve my reading skills, concentration, and memory heaven
       Major Support 2
       - My types of books 
          Minor Support 2 
          - Sometimes i read novel, science, fiction, and technology books              
          - Often i read course books                 

      Concluding Sentence : Therefore, my mind in my life changes become better by reading many books.  

  C. Paragraph 3 : Playing Online Games

Topic Sentence   :   Many of people are very favorite to playing the online games
          Major Support  1 
           - The reason why i interested to play games online
            Minor Support 1 
           - I can play it in everywhere that i want to do 
           - It can motivate me to refresh and stimulate my brain to think fast and precise
           - Online games can challenge me to use my strategy and smart think skills.
          Major Support 2
           - My favorite types of online games 
            Minor Support 2
             - I just play survival, strategy, and mini sport games

             - When i feel pain, .i just play mini sport games  
             - When i feel healthy, i will play survival and strategy games
 Concluding sentence : The result is when i play online games that can improve abilities for my brain become better to think

III. Concluding Paragraph

In summary, I am very like to those favorite activities. Every weekend I always do that's activities because those of three activities are valuable for me to refresh my mind, to enhance my knowledge, and motivate me to become better to live. 

My Favorite Activities on Weekend
 The weekend is spare time to do some favorite activities such as self-development, going on vacation and do relaxation. Most of them spend to go on vacation, they go to the beach, mountain, and other interesting places because they want to refresh their mind and try to recovering my feeling. Some of them just do their favorite activities to get rid of boredom. I have some favorite activities on weekend such as singing, reading books and playing online games to improve my skills, recover my bad feelings and how long my memory that i have.
In my life, I have many favorite activities on weekend. The first, my favorite activity is singing. I love singing, usually  I sing together with my friends together on weekend to get rid of boredom. Singing can make me become relax, enjoy and improve my spirit to live because the lyrics and tone can hypnotize me deeply to explore the songs, it can touching my feeling and my soul. There are several genre music that i know which are jazz, pop, RnB, Religious. But I do singing based on my current feelings, for example when I feel sad. I will singing with cheers up song like RnB, it can to refreshing my sad feeling become delighted. Then when i feel happy, i will singing with pop music and jazz music. In short, singing can help me to recovering my bad feeling on the weekend.
Many of people including me use weekend time with read many books. It’s my second favorite activity to spent on weekend. I usually read many books in every day, but I just read my course book because I don’t have time to read many books. Thus, I choose weekend time to read many books. Actually, the types of books that i read are novel, science , fiction and technology books. It was fun to read all these books because i got many knowledges after i read the books. Although i as a millenials generation but i always read many books because the book is insight heaven. Read many books can open my mind that what important to read many books for my life. After i read the books, i can improve my reading skills, concentration and memory. Therefore, my mind in my life changes become better through reading many books.
 Also many of people is favorite to playing the online games. Why i am so interesting to playing online games ? The online games is very interesting because i can play it in every where that i want to do. The types of online games that i often to plays which are survival, sport and games strategy because that’s online games can challenge me to use my strategy and smart think skills. I play online games based on my condition of my brain, when i feel pain that i just play sport online games. Then if i feel healthy, i will play survival and games strategy. Although my patience is very tested, but i just feel like adventures. Also play online games  can motivate me to refresh and stimulate my brain to think fast and precise. The result is, play online games can improve abilities for my brain become better to think.
In summary, I am very like to do my favorite activities because weekend is a quality time to improve my hobbies skill and get rid of my boredom. Not only that, but i can make weekend become positive because many benefits that i get. One of my reason why i do that activities, because those of three activities are valuable for me to refresh  my mind, to enhance my knowledge and to motivate me become more better to live. 



  1. I found your outline is quite hard to read. There are some words written in Black meanwhile your wallpaper is on black. So it's hard to read. Also your essay is have some minor mistake. Thank you! :)

    1. Okay thank you, could you explain which part that i do a mistake?

  2. hallo wildan, you explaine your activities very detail, and your outline good structure. so that the reader your essay will be clear. But I would like to give you a suggestion, your blog background with the font color is out of sync. so it's difficult to read and understand. your mistake in "paragraph 3 online games - adventures" and " the conclution sentences : the result is play online game..." and " online games can challenge me ..."
    And for Introductory Paragraf you can be added information sentences 1 and 2 for easy understanding. Thank you wildan

  3. Hello Wildan, I suggest you to adding more restatement sentences on your concluding paragraph on the outline and essay, keep spirit ^^

  4. Hi wildan^^
    You have good structure of essay. I think " First, my favorite activities is singing." that sentence must be topic sentence in your 2nd paragraph.
    Good job!!

  5. I like the way you explain it into essay, but I think your introductory paragraph is too specific (you just mention about singing) it makes thesis statement doesn't match to the body paragraph. Keep hardwork!

  6. wow its a good essay, good job wildan!!!

  7. hey, wildan. what a great job. but it would be better if you move "Many of people including me use weekend time with read many books." to the 2nd line of 2nd paragraph because it is too general. please make the straight point of topic sentence to make reader can ready the main point of that paragraph clearer

  8. Hi wildan, your essay is good, but maybe you can make the font in the same color, because some of them are different

    1. Okay, i will fix it ASAP. Thank you, have a nice day

  9. Hello Wildan, You need to make your conclusion longer

  10. Hi,
    I think your essay already good and has a good structure. Good job!

  11. good essay wildan! i think u should add more sentences to your conclusion paragraph

    1. Okay, i will add more conclusion. Thank you.

  12. Hai willdan.what a good essay. But it would be better if you can explain the introduction paragraph in general first. Because your topic sentences is too spesific. And may you give space between sentences 1/2 in the outline. But overall good. Good job !!

    1. Okay, noted fegri. Thank you, have a nice day

  13. Hiii wildan, it’s a good essay. But, i think you should make more space between outline essay and the essay. It will looks better.

  14. Hi Wildan,
    It's a good essay, but maybe you should add more in conclusion, because your conclusion is too short

  15. I think your essay and outline already clear enough. Keep up the good work!

  16. Hi, Wildan! I like the way you explain it into an essay.It was so fun and easy to read! Your essay has a good structure and for the introduction i suggest you to make some point and divide the sentence about which is topic introduction --> lead in to thesis ---> thesis sentence. so the reader can read it clearer! Good job!

  17. Your essay and outline was good. Good job!

  18. My Revised Outline Essay

    I. Introductory Paragraph :

    Weekend is spare time to do some favorite activities such self development, going vacation and do relaxation. Most of them spend to go vacation, they go to the beach, mountain, and other interesting places because they want to refresh their mind and try to recovering my feeling. Some of them just do their favorite activities to get rid of boredom.

    - Thesis Statement : I have some favorite activites on weekend such singing, reading books, and playing online games to improve my skills, recovering my bad feelings and how long my memory that i have.

    II. Body

    A. Paragraph 1 : Singing

    - Topic Sentence : In my life, I have many favorite activities on weekend.

    Major Support 1

    First, my favorite activities is singing

    Minor Support 1

    - I love singing to get rid of boredom.

    - Singing can make me become relax, enjoy and improve my spirit to live

    - Singing can touching my feelings and my soul

    Major Support 2

    My genre of music based on my current feelings

    Minor Support 2

    - When i feel sad, i will singing with RnB music

    - When i feel happy, i will singing with pop and jazz music

    Concluding sentence : In short, singing can make me to become happy and improve my spirit and can recover my feelings.

    B. Paragraph 2 : Read Many Books

    Topic Sentence : Many of people including me use weekend time with read many books

    Major Support 1

    Read many books is my second favorite activity to spent on weekend

    Minor Support 1

    - It was fun to read all these books because i got many knowledges after i read the books

    - The book is insight heaven

    - Read many books can open my mind, improve my reading skills, concentration, and memory heaven

    Major Support 2

    My favorite books that i read

    Minor Support 2

    - Sometimes i read novel, science, fiction, and technology books

    - Often i read course books

    Concluding Sentence : Therefore, my mind in my life changes become better through reading many books.

    C. Paragraph 3 : Playing Online Games

    Topic Sentence : Many of people are very favorite to playing the online games

    Major Support 1

    What the reason why i am very interesting to playing online games ?

    Minor Support 1

    - I can play it in every where that i want to do

    - It can motivate me to refresh and stimulate my brain to think fast and precise

    - Online games can challenge me to use my strategy and smart think skills.

    Major Support 2

    - My favorite types of online games that i play

    Minor Support 2

    - I just plays survival, strategy, and mini sport games

    - When i feel pain, i just play mini sport games

    - When i feel healthy, i will plays survival and strategy games.

    Concluding sentence : The result is when i play online games that can improve abilities for my brain become better to think

    III. Concluding Paragraph
    In summary, I am very like to those favorite activities. Every weekend I always do that's activities because those of three activities are valuable for me to refresh my mind, to enhance my knowledge, and motivate me become more better to live.

  19. My Revised Essay

    My Favorite Activities on Weekend

    Weekend is spare time to do some favorite activities such self development, going vacation and do relaxation. Most of them spend to go vacation, they go to the beach, mountain, and other interesting places because they want to refresh their mind and try to recovering my feeling. Some of them just do their favorite activities to get rid of boredom. I have some favorite activites on weekend such singing, reading books, and playing online games to improve my skills, recovering my bad feelings and how long my memory that i have.

    In my life, I have many favorite activities on weekend. The first, my favorite activity is singing. I love singing, usually I sing together with my friends together on weekend to get rid of boredom. Singing can make me become relax, enjoy and improve my spirit to live because the lyrics and tone can hypnotize me deeply to explore the songs, it can touching my feeling and my soul. There are several genre music that i know which are jazz, pop, RnB, Religious. But I do singing based on my current feelings, for example when I feel sad. I will singing with cheers up song like RnB, it can to refreshing my sad feeling become delighted. Then when i feel happy, i will singing with pop music and jazz music. In short, singing can help me to recovering my bad feeling on the weekend.

    Many of people including me use weekend time with read many books. It’s my second favorite activity to spent on weekend. I usually read many books in every day, but I just read my course book because I don’t have time to read many books. Thus, I choose weekend time to read many books. Actually, the types of books that i read are novel, science , fiction and technology books. It was fun to read all these books because i got many knowledges after i read the books. Although i as a millenials generation but i always read many books because the book is insight heaven. Read many books can open my mind that what important to read many books for my life. After i read the books, i can improve my reading skills, concentration and memory. Therefore, my mind in my life changes become better through reading many books.

    Also many of people is favorite to playing the online games. Why i am so interesting to playing online games ? The online games is very interesting because i can play it in every where that i want to do. The types of online games that i often to plays which are survival, sport and games strategy because that’s online games can challenge me to use my strategy and smart think skills. I play online games based on my condition of my brain, when i feel pain that i just play sport online games. Then if i feel healthy, i will play survival and games strategy. Although my patience is very tested, but i just feel like adventures. Also play online games can motivate me to refresh and stimulate my brain to think fast and precise. The result is, play online games can improve abilities for my brain become better to think.

    In summary, I am very like to do my favorite activities because weekend is a quality time to improve my hobbies skill and get rid of my boredom. Not only that, but i can make weekend become positive because many benefits that i get. One of my reason why i do that activities, because those of three activities are valuable for me to refresh my mind, to enhance my knowledge and to motivate me become more better to live.


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