" The benefits and dangers of internet "

   As the advance technology, the people around the world can be connected by internet. Nowadays, internet has become important things for our lives. We are able to found anything rapidly by using internet. Most of people use internet to obtain information and as the communication facilities. However, on condition that people use internet in wrong way, the addictive of internet may harm the user. I will explore the benefits and dangers of internet.
  The benefits of internet for many people. The internet bring the people to communicate with people around the world in virtually through email, without having to leave their rooms. As the result of this, internet allows people within an group to easily communicate and share informations. Then, internet results in greater information. Any kinds of information available on the internet such as google, yahoo, bing. Every people are able to found the newest information easily available in the internet. Because of this, the people can increasing the knowledge by using the internet.
   Beside of people get more benefit, but internet has dangers effect for people life. If we seen many of pornographic and violent images available in the internet. In our digital era,there are many free content on the Internet. While there are trusted resources, such as Wikipedia, less trusted content also exists. Consequently, users can accidentally come across violent or pornographic images that they may not want to view. Next, internet will give you addictive effect. Many of people are often tend to spending many hours for using internet and they will feel convinience. As the result of this, the people will get bad condition which are myopia and your productivity will be decreased.
   In conclusion,we can see that there are both benefits and dangers of internet for the people. The internet have many benefits to help people activities and as tools for communication around the worlds in virtually. Conversely, however, internet also give you some bad condition. In my opinion, the people will get more benefit and able to refused the bad impact provided that you are able to use internet wisely.


  1. Hi !
    Your essay content is good and structured well, but I found some misplaced of article "the", may be you can check it later, good job ^^

  2. Hi wildan! it's a good essay. But I think, every paragraph is spaced so it's easy to read. Overall, your essay structured well. good job :)

  3. Hi Wildan! I think your essay is very clear. However i think there are some words that might not suitable for this essay. Thank you!

  4. Hi Wild, I found there are some misplaced of articles "the", but overall it's a good essay. Good job.

  5. Hiii evening. Your essay is really awesome. I really like the structure and the content also really great. keep do what you do.

  6. Hiii evening. Your essay is really awesome. I really like the structure and the content also really great. keep do what you do.

  7. Haiii Wild, your essay is easy to read and understand. Your essay is also structured and good grammar. Gooood job 👍🏻

  8. Hi Wildan, it's a great essay, this is a good essay, but it's better if you make a space between the paragraphs. Good Job

  9. Hi, Wildan. Your essay pretty cool, but it will be better if you make it neater. Keep up the good work, dan!

  10. Hi, it's a good essay because your sentences is clearly and easy to understand. Good job!

  11. good essay wildan, keep up your good work

  12. Good essay wildan. Your sentences are great and easy to understand.

  13. Hi wildan. Its great essay. you made it in a good structure and clear explanation. Keep it up!

  14. Hi wildan your essay is structured and good, keep it up

  15. You’re essay is great
    Its neat and simple

  16. it’s a good essay, you explain it clearly and easy to understand. Good Job!!

  17. your essay is good. it contains useful information. and also you use the good word. good job!


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