
Menampilkan postingan dari 2019
Individual Report Corporate Entrepreneurship 2 (Even Semester/2018-2019) Name                                      : Wildan Aulia Rachman Student ID: 008201700042 Major                                      : Accounting Company name: ZTH Position (at this week): Vice Project Manager My job description : - To manage and control our team activitiea - As connection bridge between mentor and us - Have responsible for this project - To help the PM tasks - Able to make sure the team in proper line or not - As co- leader in this project - Conduct the meeting with our team Describe real activities : Firstly, I really contributed to this project. I will share you about my contribution starts from I was given the idea for our group, I conduct the structure of our team, making the report for the project because when you want to make the report, we have to think the what is our plan? I already giving the planning for our project in detail. Then, I involved making the p

The process making glass containers

Introduction The diagram describes the way in which the glass container, such as bottles, are manufactured and recycled. Overview Overall, this diagram show two procedures which are producing and recycling. The producing process consist of 3 steps, beginning with the mixing materials and ending up with the glass container. The recycling procedures consist of 5 steps, beginning with the collection of used glass bottle and ending up with the moulding into new products. Feature 1 The production of glass container begin with mixing sand, soda ash, limestone, and other chemicals.  Next, the mixture of materials is heated in a glass furnace at approximately 1500oC.  After that, melted material is blown to produce different shape of glass container Feature 2 Meanwhile, process of recycling the glass container begin with the collection of the used glass containers. Collected used glass containers are separated according to their color. After so
The world's oceans are filling up with waste plastic     Plastic has been usual for many people in the world. We use plastic for everything and which harmful our environment especially oceans. Currently,  many of ocean is being over contaminated by the waste plastic especially in Indonesia. We have seen that the trash dumped by mariners, the people and sea-goers in the sea because it does not readily break down in nature. Although serious problems have arisen as a result of this, there are solutions.      One of the first problems of waste plastic is the growth of death marine ecosystems. Currently, around 10 up to 20 million tons of waste plastic has been polluted by the fisherman activities in the ocean every year, resulting in coral reefs and some marine biota that live on coral reefs will decrease. Another major problem is easy for many mammals and other marine animals swallow garbage material. For the examples, as people know that plastic able stays in hundred of
           " The benefits and dangers of internet "    As the advance technology, the people around the world can be connected by internet. Nowadays, internet has become important things for our lives. We are able to found anything rapidly by using internet. Most of people use internet to obtain information and as the communication facilities. However, on condition that people use internet in wrong way, the addictive of internet may harm the user. I will explore the benefits and dangers of internet.   The benefits of internet for many people. The internet bring the people to communicate with people around the world in virtually through email, without having to leave their rooms. As the result of this, internet allows people within an group to easily communicate and share informations. Then, internet results in greater information. Any kinds of information available on the internet such as google, yahoo, bing. Every people are able to found the newest information easily
Citizens Should Pay Themselves with Private Health Insurance   According WHO, healthcare as a mental, physical and social welfare condition that functions normally not only from the absence of an illness. As we seen that indonesia is one of the biggest population in the world with many sickness that indonesia citizen have. Because of that problem in healthcare, I very disagree that Government should give fund free healthcare through taxes for the all citizen. Here all my reason why i disagree with that statement.    The first reason that I disagree is government have over budget for this free healthcare. As we seen that the government should to pay all of public facilities sector which are education, infrastructure, and healthcare. Currently, if you have seen the CNN Indonesia. In that news stated Finance Minister Sri Mulyani said the results of the audit of the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) showed a financial deficit in the Social Security Management A
There are several differences and similarities between learning a language and math                    Learning is the process of acquiring new knowledge, values and skills. As we seen that there are many subjects that we have learned in the school such as language and math. Some of people are very loves with that subjects although difficult to learned but they have spirit to understand it. There are several similarities and differences between learning a language and math.            There are several differences between learning language and math in purposes and assumption. As we seen that language is the way how to communicate with each other whereas math is verbal written by the scientist. Therefore, many people said learning language is easy to interpret the meaning of words, because there can be different words with the same meaning. In contrast, learning math have fixed answer and learning math has pros to explore many different theories and patterns formula. In addit
 My Outline 1. Topic Sentence :  “ Globalization has changed technology of public transportation side “ 2. Major Supporting 1    : In Indonesia ,   technology of eco-friendly car as a result of change caused by globalization 3. Major Supporting 2    : Globalization changed the technology of train 4. Major Supporting 3    : Globalization have affected the technology of bus 5. Concluding Sentence: In summary, globalization has changed three major of public transportation which are changed technology of car, train, and bus. My Essay                  “ Globalization has changed technology of public transportation side “          Based on, Globalization is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments worldwide. As a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, globalization have most affected all sectors in our life which are internet, telecommunication, and technolo